This past weekend, I attended the Idea World Fitness & Nutrition Convention in Los Angeles, CA. I was blessed to be chosen by SweatPink to be apart of Blogfest to join the more than 14,000 personal trainers, group fitness instructors, club and studio owners and managers, mind-body professionals, nutrition professionals from over 60 countries and over 300 exhibitors. I have to admit when first presented with this opportunity, I was a bit overwhelmed and anxious. Ok, VERY overwhelmed and anxious. I honestly felt inferior. Here I am a newbie blogger and fitness professional about to step into an event...THE event...the WHO'S WHO of events...with the world's most successful fitness professionals, bloggers and industry leaders. Thanks to #thehubs for encouraging me, the supreme introvert, to step out of my comfort zone and take this experience head on. So still through a cloud of nervousness, I researched everything I could about Blogfest, IdeaWorld, and even stalked the other Bloggers attending.
So early (like O'dark thirty) Friday morning, #thehubs and I got on a flight to L.A.
We were so excited we could hardly sleep the night before. I still had so many anxieties about the trip...having enough money for the unknown, packing the right clothes, packing enough clothes, having enough space for the swag that I'd bring home, being able to network effectively, being able to absorb all of the education, being able to keep up in the workouts, collecting enough content to blog about or share with social media, making sure #thehubs is fed and entertained while I'm in working, being able to have enough time to see the sights since I've never been to California...just to name a few.
After delayed flights and chaos at our hotel, I finally made it to the Convention.

I scheduled all of my sessions for Saturday and Sunday, so Friday was dedicated to going to the Expo. I cautiously entered the Expo filled with what seemed like a bazillion people...there's that anxiety starting to creep in again. #thehubs at times was literally pushing me to go up to exhibitors, to talk to people; to network.
The Expo had everything one could possibly think of or want that was fitness related.
And everyone, unlike myself, seemed so engaged and empty of any stress or anxieties.
It took a little bit...ok alot a bit, but I finally started to warm up.
Saturday was my nutrition and workout session day. I started the day with the Nutrition Summit. This was truly a FitFoodie lover's dream class led by medical doctors and registered dietitians.
A few standout key notes:
- 80% of premature deaths and chronic diseases are attributed to what you do with your fingers (tobacco), your fork (nutrition) and feet (physical activity)
- Instead of concentrating on lifestyle IN medicine, let's think of lifestyle AS medicine
- Having a healthy lifestyle will not only add more years to your life but more LIFE to your years.
After the Nutrition Summit I was to start my workout sessions. I had secretly prepped for and dreaded this part for the last few weeks. I had signed up to workout with my fitness icons. How crazy of me to think that I would be able to keep up with, let alone stay alive through doing all of these in one day.
But my thinking was that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity; some people pay thousands of dollars just to see one of these trainers...and I get to actually workout with all of them...for FREE! Besides, I can rest when I get home, right?!
I made sure not to eat too much that morning so I didn't throw it all up...I ate just enough not to pass out. I packed extra clothes, baby wipes and deodorant just in case I sweated out of my original outfit. I also packed protein bars and water because all of these sessions were pretty much back to back.
Was it worth it...YES! Did I feel like I wanted to die afterwards... HELL YES!
So after a hard and good night's sleep, Sunday was focused on more educational classes.
and a little more play...
And by the way, #thehubs had an awesome time not only at the Expo, but we also got to get in some site seeing.
Overall this entire weekend was filled with so much fun, fitness and education. I met so many great people and learned so much...not just in practical skills for my brand and business...but also about myself. I feel like I was nervous for absolutely nothing. I may not be converted to an extrovert quite yet, but I am less anxious in stepping out of my comfort zone. I'm excited to attend next year!