Yesterday, I almost died. Well at least I felt like I was going to die. My chest was tight. My lungs were heaving heavily. My face was red. My body was sweating uncontrollably. My whole body was screaming in pain. What was this act of the devil that had me this way?! I ran my first 5k.
Now, before you roll your eyes or have to realize that that was a big step for me. I am a former "fatfat", lazy couch potato, a self proclaimed asthmatic who HATED to exercise. So just signing up for the race was a milestone. But I did so for a good cause...Lupus Awareness.
My eldest daughter was diagnosed with Lupus last year. Something I don't share with most people because it's scary. Scary to think that my sweet little piece of Hollywood is in pain and there's nothing that Mommy can do to fix it. Lupus is coined as the 'Silent Killer', a disease that turns your body against itself...a disease with no cure. So the ONLY thing that can be done is medication to ease the symptoms and education to bring awareness.
So yesterday, inspite of my fears and self pity, amongst a sea of hundreds of others, I ran...I ran to bring awareness...I ran to raise money for research...I ran for all of the ones who couldn't...I ran in honor of my daughter.
It put into perspective of how my struggles with weightloss, food addiction, and self confidence is so trivial in comparison to others who are struggling just to get out of bed...just to be productive and active...just to cope with physical pain...just to be alive one more day.
So, although I am a bit sore today from yesterday's 'milestone', I will continue this journey with less complaints. I will continue to run for the ones who can't...I will continue to run because I CAN.

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We must KNOW Lupus for a future with NO Lupus. Get to know lupus today!
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